The Major Arcana holds deep and mystical significance within the world of tarot. Made up of 22 cards, it embodies the Fool’s Path – a transformative voyage of self-exploration and enlightenment. Each card in the Major Arcana is rich with symbolic meaning and offers profound insights into various facets of life and humanity. Our exploration of each card in the Major Arcana will unveil the unknown truths and wisdom they possess.

The Fool’s Path: Understanding the Journey

Each of us goes through a symbolic journey on the Fool’s Path. It represents the stages of being and the changes that occur in the growth of individuals. The first card is the Fool in the Major Arcana. We begin with innocence, the search for knowledge and a spirit of discovery. On the way through the cards, we encounter different archetypes and life lessons of other insights.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The Fool: The Beginning of the Journey

A new card met a chance; there is only one. It is the first and last card of the major arcana. As you embark on your journey, The Fool advises you to jump into the next unforeseeable day with a smile. He suggests that sometimes, we must take a chance and follow what our hearts want. Even if this entails moving out of familiar surroundings one way or another. My friend, by stepping into the energy of The Fool, we are allowed to blossom in ways we could never have imagined. We attract people to events and situations that will give our lives greater depth through experiencing those events which we recognize and create from whole cloth.

The Magician: Harnessing Personal Power

The Magician card represents will and power as a symbol of intent and action. It signifies that our thought world can become matter in the objective realms. The Magician reminds us that we can produce what we need. If we tap into the power latent inside us, focus our thoughts, control our emotions, and set them to work in the actual world, our wishes will come true. This suggests that it is wise to be motivated by positive self-esteem, a note of caution, or an inspired stimulus.

The High Priestess: Connecting to Intuition

This card represents the subconscious mind and human intuition. The High Priestess invites us to tap into our intuition and listen to the whispers of our souls. Through our inner selves, the High Priestess tells us that we can find the answers to our questions. If we stop and quiet down our minds regularly enough, we’ll know where they are all coming from, whether it’s good or bad–and this is important for understanding what things our hearts are set on. By exercising a deep trust in our intuition, life’s uncertainties can be guided with wisdom and beauty.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The Empress: Nurturing Creativity and Abundance

The Empress embodies abundance, creativity, and nurturing energy – a powerful symbol of life’s fertile qualities. She invites us to fully embrace our creative potential and develop a harmonious connection with the natural world. The Empress guides us towards a more profound sense of love, compassion, and abundance by honouring and caring for ourselves and others. Embracing her energy allows us to tap into our creative flow and manifest abundance in our lives.

The Emperor: Establishing Authority and Structure

The Emperor personifies power, guidance, and organization. He symbolizes the crucial role of creating structure and owning up to our actions. The Emperor motivates us to define our limits, make sound choices, and seize control of our future. Embodying the Emperor’s essence, we can cultivate determination, durability, and a deep understanding of our goals. Through a well-ordered and systematic approach, we can lay a sturdy groundwork for achievement and fulfil our aspirations.

The Hierophant: Seeking Spiritual Wisdom

The Hierophant is more than just a card – it embodies spiritual wisdom, tradition, and guidance. It urges us to journey toward discovering meaning and forging connections with higher realms of consciousness. Whether through exploring spiritual teachings, traditions, or practices, the Hierophant leads us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world. Its message is clear: the answers we seek can be unearthed through introspection, contemplation, and a connection to the forces beyond ourselves.

The Lovers: Exploring Relationships and Choices

The Lovers tarot card embodies love, relationships, and decisions. It serves as a visual representation of the significance of harmonious connections and staying true to our values and desires. It serves as a reminder that love holds immense power in guiding our choices. This card urges us to nurture strong and meaningful relationships built on love, trust, and mutual admiration. When we make decisions in alignment with our hearts, we can manifest a life brimming with happiness, satisfaction, and genuine bonds.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The Chariot: Taking Control and Moving Forward

The Chariot embodies seizing command of our destiny and forging ahead with unwavering determination. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of finding equilibrium and tapping into our inner fortitude to triumph over adversity and realize our aspirations. This emblem prompts us to recognize our authority in steering our paths towards our desires. By setting meaningful intentions, staying resolute, and persisting through hardships, we can conquer hurdles and attain our objectives.

Strength: Cultivating Inner Courage and Resilience

Strength is more than just a simple quality – it’s a powerful force that encompasses courage, resilience, and unwavering inner fortitude. It serves as a reminder that true strength lies not in brute force but in our ability to face challenges with grace and compassion. In essence, strength potently embodies our ability to tap into our inner reserves and overcome adversity with self-compassion, patience, and unwavering perseverance. By nurturing these qualities, we can unlock our full potential and navigate life’s obstacles with steadfast grace and resilience.

The Hermit: Embracing Solitude and Self-Reflection

The Hermit card embodies the power of solitude, introspection, and self-reflection. It signifies the value of slowing down and making space to recharge, gain clarity, and learn about ourselves. This card urges us to detach from external distractions and tune into our inner being. This retreat allows us to tap into our inner wisdom, find guidance, and confidently navigate life’s hurdles.

The Wheel of Fortune: Embracing Change and Destiny

The Wheel of Fortune represents the fluidity of life, with all its twists and turns, ups and downs, and cyclical patterns. It serves as a potent reminder that change is a constant force in the universe, and we can adapt and steer ourselves through it. Embracing this card encourages us to have faith in the natural rhythm of life, understanding that every experience has a purpose. By embracing change, we can align ourselves with our true destiny and live a life filled with meaning and fulfilment.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

Justice: Seeking Balance and Fairness

The card of Justice embodies the ideals of balance, fairness, and truth. It serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity, equality, and ethical decision-making. When we see this card, we are prompted to carefully consider the consequences of our actions and strive for fairness and balance in all aspects of our lives. It encourages us to seek the truth, make moral decisions, and treat others compassionately and respectfully. By embracing the energy of Justice, we can work towards creating a just and harmonious world for everyone.

The Hanged Man: Surrendering and Letting Go

The Hanged Man represents the act of surrender, release, and pause. It signifies the importance of relinquishing control and embracing the path of life. By shedding attachments, expectations, and self-imposed limitations, we can welcome the beauty of the present moment and have faith in the divine timing of the universe. This surrender allows for a deep sense of tranquillity and insight. The Hanged Man reveals that we often uncover the solutions we yearn for in surrendering.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

Death: Embracing Transformation and New Beginnings

The card of Death carries a powerful message of transformation, marking both endings and new beginnings. It urges us to release the past and make room for the future, reminding us that change is a natural part of our journey. As one chapter closes, another begins, and Death prompts us to welcome this transformation cycle with open arms. Embracing this card’s energy can lead to profound personal growth and rebirth, teaching us valuable lessons about the beauty and necessity of change.

Temperance: Finding Harmony and Balance

The Temperance card embodies powerful messages of harmony, balance, and moderation. It urges us to seek a middle ground and embrace opposing forces within ourselves. This wise card reminds us that balance is essential for a fulfilling and harmonious life in a world of extremes. Through this card, we are called to find equilibrium in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, relationships, and daily routines. By embracing the energy of Temperance, we can unlock a sense of inner tranquillity, alignment, and flourishing.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The Devil: Confronting Shadow Aspects

The Devil is an intriguing card that delves into our inner shadows, hidden desires, and attachments. It serves as a symbol for the crucial task of facing our fears, shedding limiting beliefs, and breaking free from addictions. Through its ominous presence, The Devil reminds us that we can overcome self-imposed restrictions and unhealthy patterns. It urges us to confront our shadows head-on with bravery and empathy, freeing ourselves from the entanglement of our chains. Doing so can unlock liberation, undergo a transformative journey, and ultimately embrace our true, sober selves.

The Tower: Experiencing Sudden Change and Revelation

The Tower holds within it the power of unexpected transformation and radical growth. Its appearance signifies a breaking down of old belief systems and structures, allowing new insights to emerge. In this way, the Tower reminds us that life can be unpredictable and challenges us to adapt to whatever circumstances come our way. Despite discomfort or difficulty, we are encouraged to embrace the winds of change and the Tower’s energy. Doing so opens us up to remarkable personal growth and revelation.

The Star: Embracing Hope and Inspiration

The Star is an emblem of optimism, motivation, and personal direction. It represents the beacon that illuminates our path in times of uncertainty and empowers us to hold onto hope for what is to come. When we feel lost or discouraged, the Star reminds us there is always a spark of possibility. It invites us to tune in to our inner guidance, believe in ourselves, and relentlessly chase after our aspirations. Embracing the essence of the Star, we can discover bravery, motivation, and a revitalized sense of direction.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The Moon: Exploring the Depths of the Subconscious

The Moon holds decisive significance as it embodies the realms of our subconscious mind, intuition, and concealed veracities. It serves as a call to plunge into the depths of our psyche and embrace our shadow aspects. Within the darkness lies wisdom waiting to be uncovered, and by bravely confronting our fears, we can experience immense personal evolution. This divine card urges us to believe in our intuition, delve into our dreams, and establish a profound connection with our inner selves. Embracing the energy of the Moon empowers us to gain valuable insights and cultivate a richer understanding of who we are.

The Sun: Embracing Joy and Vitality

The Sun is more than just a card – it exudes feelings of joy, vitality, and abundance. It serves as a reminder that true brilliance comes from within and urges us to embrace ourselves fully. This powerful symbol encourages us to harness our abilities and create a life brimming with joy, contentment, and purpose. It reminds us to unapologetically showcase our true selves, bask in the freedom of self-expression, and find beauty in the present. Embodying the essence of the Sun allows us to radiate with inner luminosity, energy, and overall well-being.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

Judgment: Reflecting on Past Choices and Moving Forward

The tarot card Judgment embodies deep contemplation, critical assessment, and a chance for rejuvenation. It encourages us to carefully contemplate our past decisions and lessons, guiding us towards making knowledgeable choices in the future. This powerful card serves as a reminder that introspection and self-evaluation are crucial for individual development and metamorphosis. Its message urges us to release outdated habits, convictions, and criticisms that hinder our growth. By embracing Judgment’s energy, we can attain a profound sense of liberation, forgiveness, and rebirth.

Journeying Through the Fool's Path

The World: Achieving Wholeness and Completion

The World card is the ultimate treasure in the Major Arcana, embodying a sense of unity, fulfilment, and accomplishment. It is the catalyst for the end of one cycle and the start of a new one, reminding us of our innate ability to shape our reality and our interconnectedness with the world. We are encouraged to embrace our individuality, bask in our successes, and acknowledge our role in the magnificent fabric of existence. Through the power of the World, we can attain a profound sense of completeness, satisfaction, and harmony with all that surrounds us.

TitleCard NumbersKey ThemesSymbolism and MeaningLessons and Insights
Initiation at Card 0: The Fool Unleashed0New beginnings, spontaneity, risk-takingRepresents the start of the Fool’s journey, innocenceEmbracing change and taking risks
and carefree attitude.
The Fool’s Encounter with The Magician (Card I)IPower, manifestation, actionThe Fool learns to harness potential from The MagicianEmphasis on creativity and transformation
and begins the transformative journey.
The High Priestess (Card II): Guardian of Mystical WisdomIIIntuition, mystery, subconscious mindThe High Priestess guards esoteric knowledge and hidden truthsConnecting conscious and unconscious realms
Empress (Card III) and Emperor (Card IV): Balancing ForcesIII, IVNurturing, abundance, fertility (Empress)Empress and Emperor balance feminine and masculine energiesLessons in creating harmony and balance in life
Authority, structure, leadership (Emperor)for a harmonious existence.
Journeying Through The Lovers (Card VI) to The Chariot (Card VII)VI, VIIChoices, partnerships, decisions (Lovers)The Chariot signifies determination, willpower, triumphMaking decisive choices, personal growth
The Fool faces dilemmas and learns to make decisions.and overcoming challenges.
Strength (Card VIII) and The Hermit (Card IX): Inner ResilienceVIII, IXCourage, inner strength, compassion (Strength)The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, inner guidanceTapping into inner resilience and wisdom
The Fool learns to tap into inner strength.
The Wheel of Fortune (Card X) and Justice (Card XI): Cosmic BalanceX, XICycles, destiny, change (Wheel of Fortune)Justice represents fairness, balance, karmic consequencesAccepting the inevitable, seeking fairness
The Fool experiences the ebb and flow of life’s events.
The Hanged Man (Card XII) and Death (Card XIII): Transformative PhasesXII, XIIISurrender, suspension, letting go (Hanged Man)Death symbolizes transformation, rebirth, new beginningsEmbracing transformation as part of life
The Fool undergoes profound changes and releases old patterns.
Temperance (Card XIV) and The Devil (Card XV): Finding HarmonyXIV, XVBalance, harmony, moderation (Temperance)The Devil represents materialism, temptation, and bondageLessons in moderation, balance, breaking free
The Fool navigates the fine line between extremes.from constraints.
The Tower (Card XVI) and The Star (Card XVII): Cosmic UpheavalsXVI, XVIISudden upheaval, revelation (Tower)The Star represents hope, inspiration, spiritual insightResilience, hope, overcoming adversity
The Fool faces unexpected challenges and seeks renewal.
The Moon (Card XVIII) and The Sun (Card XIX): Illuminating PathsXVIII, XIXIntuition, emotions (Moon)The Sun represents joy, success, and clarityNavigating emotions, finding inner light
Illumination, positivity (Sun)The Fool confronts hidden truths and gains newfound clarity.
Judgment (Card XX) and The World (Card XXI): Culmination of the JourneyXX, XXIReflection, rebirth (Judgment)The World represents fulfillment, completion, achievementReflection on personal growth, wisdom gained,
Culmination, achievement (World)The Fool reaches a culmination of the journey’s lessons.and new beginnings.

Conclusion: Embracing the Wisdom of the Major Arcana

The secrets of our inner selves and the complexities of life can be unlocked through the Major Arcana. Each card in this collection offers a distinct message and valuable guidance, illuminating different aspects of our journey. Embracing the wisdom of the Major Arcana allows us to understand ourselves, our connections with others profoundly, and the world we inhabit. Whether we embark on our path or have been traversing it for some time, the Major Arcana is a potent resource for self-discovery, personal development, and spiritual metamorphosis.


What is the fool's journey through the Major Arcana?

The Fool's epic passage through the Major Arcana serves as a profound analogy for our individual evolution, introspection, and the fluctuating patterns of existence. It encapsulates the intrinsic struggles and lessons we encounter in pursuit of our own enlightenment and ultimate contentment.

Is the fool's journey the same as the hero's journey?

Although both the Fool's Journey and the Hero's Journey share the common theme of self-evolution and change, their individual backgrounds and distinct characteristics set them apart. Rooted in tarot readings, the Fool's Journey delves deeply into personal and spiritual growth. In contrast, the Hero's Journey encompasses a wider range of narratives, highlighting the hero's confrontations with external obstacles and their impact on society.

Does the Major Arcana tell a story?

Although not following a traditional linear narrative structure, the Major Arcana in Tarot cards can still be perceived as telling a captivating story or illustrating a meaningful journey through the use of symbolism, sequence, and interpretation.

What is Fool's Journey?

Keep in mind that the Fool's Journey is not a strictly linear path through the Tarot deck. Various Tarot spreads or layouts can offer insight into specific areas of your life or varying topics of interest. This dynamic tool can be utilized for introspection, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment.

What is the meaning of the Fool's Journey?

The Fool's Journey is a powerful representation of self-exploration, growth, and self-improvement within Tarot. Acting as a mirror of one's own life journey, it serves as a valuable companion offering invaluable insights and direction through the rich archetypes and symbols illustrated in each card.